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【来源:bevictor伟德国际 | 发布日期:2022-06-15 】

报告题目:霍克斯过程的矩(Moments of Hawkes Processes)





Hawkes processes have been widely used in many areas, but their probability properties such as closed-forms for momentsor joint momentscan be quite difficult. In the present talk, some simple introduction to Hawkes processes is given first, then the approaches to obtain moments of linear Hawkes processes and/or the intensity of a number of marked linear Hawkes processes are presented. In particular, the elementary method given by Cui et al. (2020) is discussed in details. This method works not only for all Markovian Hawkes processes, but also for some non-Markovian Hawkes processes. The method is applied for one-dimensional linear Hawkes processes and other related processes such as Cox processes, dynamic contagion processes, non-homogenous Poisson processes and non-Markovian cases (Gamma decay intensity). Several results are obtained which may be useful in studying Hawkes processes and other counting processes. This proposed method is an extension of Dynkin’s formula, which is simple and easy to use. Finally, our most recent work (Cui & Sornette) on moments for linear and nonlinear Hawkes processes is simply introduced by using stochastic partial differential equation method given by Kanazawa & Sornette (2020, 2021).


崔利荣,青岛大学特聘教授。1983年毕业于天津工业大学(获工学学士学位),1986年毕业于中国科学院系统科学研究所(获理学硕士学位),1994年在英国威尔士大学(Swansea)获得博士学位(概率与统计学)。曾于1986年至1999年工作于中国航天工业部,2000年工作于新加坡国立大学,2003年至2021年工作于北京理工大学管理与经济学院,2021年5月就职于青岛大学。曾在英国、台湾作为访问学者。曾任IEEE Transactions on Reliability(SCI期刊)副主编10年(2005.1—2015.9)。现任IISE Transactions(SCI期刊)副主编,Communications in Statistics(SCI期刊)副主编,Quality Technology & Quantitative Management(SCI期刊)副主编;任多个学术组织的常务理事、理事、分会主任、分会副主任。国家自然科学基金管理科学专业评审组专家(2019,2020)。自1999年以来,已发表SCI检索论文140多篇,英文专著1部。2005年被评为教育部新世纪优秀人才。已指导40多名博士研究生毕业。共主持(曾经与现在)国家自然科学基金5项面上项目,1项重点项目。目前,主要研究兴趣为:聚合随机过程及维修性建模、退化系统可靠性、有限马尔可夫嵌入方法、级联失效、对称系统可靠性建模与分析、优化匹配、Hawkes过程、主动健康建模、基于数据和基于模型相关问题等。
